At Center Maintenance we realize that heavy equipment and trucks are often utilized on the properties of an industrial center. This helps us to plan accordingly whether a thicker asphalt application would be best, or if concrete pads and slabs would be more suitable. Whatever is chosen, rest assured Center Maintenance will deliver. Our free Site Assessment Plan can help Property Owners, Property Managers, Store Owners, Business Managers and anyone directly involved with the day to day operations and planning for the maintenance of the facility. Improvements that are required immediately can be addressed and separated from a budgetary phasing plan so you can prepare for the maintenance required with a center. These Site Assessments can be customized to the client’s timeline and budget. We can prioritize your plan to not only resolve maintenance items that need to be handled, but also to perform the work that you “want” done in its priority. Fixing issues helps, but looking at the property often will make all the difference. Having a plan for work is a good way to control cost both for short- and long-term goals. Rather than letting problems worsen, you can act and gain control over the assets on your property..